Switch to CORTEXOutsmart your foes with Tactical Finesse
Armada's combat doctrine relies on mobility, versatility and stealth, focusing more on direct firepower than indirect artillery. Key features include raiders with anti-air; cloakable metal extractors and fusion reactors; the best radar jammers, including cloakable ones; and efficient single-target-killers like the Starlight and Sharpshooter.
They are somewhat better-suited to an open battlefield than Cortex, possessing a larger mobility advantage with units more specialized in quick and deadly attacks. For attacking entrenched positions, Armada employs powerful EMP weapons to disable defenses and allow a self-sufficient strike force to punch through and wreak havoc.
Their overall strength on land is weighted somewhat towards Vehicles in Tier 2. Their air force is more varied than Cortex, but planes filling simpler roles like fighters and bombers have inferior stats. On defense, Armada is mostly a mirror to Cortex, but their almighty Pulsar turret has no true equal.
Unit of the day
Barracuda is a submarine killer. They are used to hunt other submarines, especially T2 battle submarines. They deal bonus damage to submarines, offer better speed better maneuverability and can shoot from wider angles than other submarines. This allows them to counter battle submarines, which otherwise are lethal when faced with an unguarded fleet.
Always include a few of these in your T2 navy.