Light Mine
The Light Mine is a land mine designed to damage or destroy lightly armored units including vehicles and bots.
Use them on your front line to prevent early pushes.
Land mines will explode if a unit drives over/steps on them, and can be cloaked automatically or manually. They will also damage other units in range.

Dragon's Teeth
The Dragon’s Teeth are basic defensive walls that block most Tech 1 units and low-altitude projectiles.
Use them to funnel enemies into a choke point or to block a path.
They can also be used to help protect your laser towers and will take quite a beating before they break.

Shark's Teeth
The Shark’s Teeth are basic defensive walls that block most Tech 1 naval units and low-altitude projectiles.
Use them to funnel enemy ships into a choke point or to block a path.
They can also be used to help protect your laser towers and will take quite a beating before they break.

Medium Mine
Medium Mines are for killing tougher enemies than light mines, such as heavier bots or medium tanks. Their larger AoE (125) also punishes enemies near the blast, though medium mines' damage falloff with range is worse than heavy mines.
Use them on your front line to prevent early pushes.
Beware—medium mines chain explode if built too close to each other! They also inflict terrible friendly fire damage!

Heavy Mine
Heavy Mines don't hurt much worse than medium ones, but have a much larger AoE of 150. Use them to blunt massed unit pushes, especially through tight chokepoints.
Try using Dragon's Teeth to create tight gaps with these mines in the middle.
Heavy mines tend to chain explode other mines and inflict friendly fire due to their AoE, and cost 1.5 E/sec to keep cloaked, so use them sparingly.

Heavy Mine
The Heavy Naval Mine is a land mine designed to damage or destroy armored naval units.
Use them to take out unsuspecting ships.
Naval mines will explode if a unit hits them, and can be cloaked automatically or manually. They will also damage other units in range.

The Thistle is a light anti-air missile tower that can shoot down light aircraft.
Build some early on to protect your base from early air raids.
Its low rate of fire makes it vulnerable to swarms when unassisted.

The Slingshot is a light anti-air missile tower that can shoot down light aircraft, and can be built on water.
Build some early on to protect your naval base from early air raids.
Its low rate of fire makes it vulnerable to swarms when unassisted.

The Guard is a light laser tower that can take out light vehicles and bots. When expanding, use them to protect your metal extractors and stop enemy commanders from pushing.
Build a few in your base to protect against early scout raids.
Each shot consumes 20 energy. Be mindful of your stores!


The Urchin is a torpedo launcher that targets ships and submarines within its range.
Build them to defend against naval attacks.
It cannot attack land and air units, however, it is equipped with its own sonar.

Twin Guard
The Twin Guard is a dual laser turret that can take out light vehicles and bots.
Use them to out-range rocket bots and light laser turrets.
It is an excellent choice to combat unit swarms and its high DPS and range makes it a formidable threat to enemy commanders.

The Jellyfish is a torpedo launcher that targets ships and submarines within its range from the shore.
Build them to defend your land structures against naval attacks.
It cannot attack land and air units, however, it is equipped with its own sonar.

Dragon's Maw
Disguised as a block of DT (Dragon's Teeth), this turret pops up to attack when enemies get close. Extremely effective at guarding chokepoints due to its AoE weaponry, and nigh-impossible to dislodge with artillery when popped down. Its fiery streams decimate weaker units and quickly wear down even medium tanks.
It literally appears as Dragon's Teeth to enemies when popped down, so mixing it in with DT can help surprise enemies.
It's low enough to hide behind DT while the teeth block direct fire, enhancing survivability. Bunker them into clusters of teeth and use chokepoints to kill even massed tank assaults.

The SAM is a medium-range anti-air missile battery that can shoot down most Tech 1 aircraft. It's stronger and tougher than an equivalent cost in Thistles, while also boasting a bit more range.
Useful even against Tech 2 units thanks to its reasonable costs and quick build time.
SAMs excel at rapidly killing bombers, and represent a serious threat to gunships. Whereas Thistles are more for denying scout planes and picking off a bomber or two, these are reliable general-purpose AA for defending vs. moderate to heavy air attack.
They lack the range of Eradicators or Screamers, and the AoE of flak.

The Coral is a floating heavy laser tower that can be built on water.
Build it to defend your naval base against hovercraft and light naval units.
Despite its long-range and heavy damage, it is hopeless when built alone. So remember to pair it with other defensive structures.

The Warden comfortably outranges almost every Tier 1 land unit, except for artillery. It especially counters skirmisher units like Rocket Bots and Missile Trucks, while easily sniping support units like Resurrection Bots.
Build it on your front line to out-range and take out enemy laser towers.
Despite its long range and heavy damage, it is hopeless when built alone. Remember to support it with other defensive structures and units.

The Juno can build and stockpile anti-micro-electronics missiles. These will overload the most sensitive electronics and cause them to explode. Ticks, most radar- and jammer-units and mines have these sensitive electronics.
The missiles have to be launched manually, and the area of effect lasts around 25 seconds.
Use them to destroy minefields, scout spam, radar units, and jammer units.
Beware that friendly units within range can also be destroyed by these missiles. Some units with radar/jammer abilities have special Juno protected electronics, such as Spy-bots.


The Agitator is a medium-range plasma artillery battery with a large AoE. It can switch between low and high trajectory mode, allowing it to directly target units or bombard those behind obstacles.
Build it once you have your front line established to push back your enemy.
Being quite expensive in T1, it's less useful as a defensive weapon than it is an offensive sniping tool. Position it to destroy frontline Metal Extractors, Radar Towers, Jammers, and Construction Turrets to deny support to your enemy.
Use scouts, frontline radar towers and Beholders to spot targets.
T1 artillery batteries are powerful, but will tie your resources down considerably. Consider Reclaiming them once no more easy targets are in reach.

Fortification Wall
The Fortification Wall is an advanced defensive wall that blocks most Tech 1/Tech 2 units and low-altitude projectiles.
Use them to funnel enemies into a choke point or to block a path.
They can also be used to help protect your laser towers and will take quite a beating before they break. Advanced walls have almost four times the health of a basic Dragon’s Teeth, and are great when used against Alien Raptors and Scavengers.

The Scorpion is a pop-up sabot battery that has high damage and range for a relatively low cost.
Switch it off when targeted to soak up huge amonts of damage.
Its ability to hide makes it a great for taking enemy fire while your other units take out the attacking forces.

The Nemesis is an Intrusion Countermeasure System or "ICS" for short.
It's a motion detector that tracks hostile units in its range that have stealth and are cloaked.
__The ICS does NOT reveal stealth units on your radar. Instead, visual red circles constantly ping their location, and an audio alert will notify you. Your forces won't automatically fire on these pings—you must manually attack ground, or move units to find the hidden enemies.
The ICS only pings when cloaked and stealth units are moving. Those who hold still will remain hidden.
It’s great for protecting your vulnerable buildings against stealthy attacks from Gremlins or stunning EMPs from spy bots, but be mindful of its high energy operating cost (-125/s).
Unlike radar, the ICS uses 'seismic' vibrations, which means it's range is NOT blocked by terrain. You can safely build it behind natural barriers for protection.
Also great for protecting your Prevailer against stealthy EMP attacks.

The Birdshot is a short-range anti-air flak gun that deals high damage with a large area of effect (AoE).
Build them around strategic points and on your front line.
It can shatter most aircraft within its range.

Naval Birdshot
The Naval Birdshot is a short-range anti-air gun that deals high damage with a large area of effect (AoE) and can be built on water.
Build them around strategic points and to protect your naval base from air raids.
It can shatter most aircraft within its range.

The Lamprey is an advanced torpedo launcher that targets ships and submarines within its range.
Build them to defend against naval attacks.
It cannot attack land and air units, however, it is equipped with its own sonar.

The Catalyst is a tactical missile launcher that obliterates most units within its blast radius.
If you self-destruct it as a last resort, the explosion is almost as powerful as a nuclear missile.
They’re great for rendering enemy defenses useless before an assault, and for destroying advancing units while you build a quick reaction force to combat them.

The Devastator is a floating plasma and beam laser turret platform that can be built on the water.
Useful for defending naval bases against light to medium naval units.
Its extended weaponry makes it a formidable defensive structure.

The Prevailer is a nuclear missile defense system that will shoot down incoming intercontinental ballistic missiles.
Build a Nemesis nearby to detect cloaked EMP units before they can disable it.
It has a large radar range to protect your base and nearby surroundings from nuclear attacks. Each defensive missile takes around 90 seconds to build.

The Screamer's extremely long-range missiles easily destroys most aircraft before they even get close to your base. Unlike other AA, it builds its missiles over time for a cost in resources.
Build these formidable launchers later in a match to defend your base from strategic bombers.
It can also be build on an extended front line to slowly dismantle the enemy's ''fighter wall''.
Its missile deals 750 damage in a huge radius, almost TRIPLE that of flak cannons, easily taking out multiple aircraft at once. It can build 1 missile every 13 seconds if you have the energy needed, and stocks up to 5 missiles in total. Each missile costs 1800 energy to be build—notably less than most aircraft.
Its missiles can be baited out by cheap air units like scouts.
You may want to set them to Return Fire or Hold Fire to preserve their shots.

The Persecutor is pop-up plasma artillery battery.
Build on a hill to take advantage of extended range.
It can protect your front line from enemy artillery units and when set to a high-trajectory it shoots slower, but also deals more area of effect (AoE) damage.

The Bulwark is a sturdy multi-weapon tower with three laser cannons of short to long range, allowing it to attack almost any target but truly long-range artillery. The Bulwark's generous damage and thick armor makes it an effective focal point against enemy pushes, but make sure to keep it well supported.
Excels at dealing with swarms, but can also outrange even Mausers and Sharpshooters.
When threatened, the Bulwark can be turned to the OFF state, causing it to retract its weapons and bunker down into its armored shell, nearly quadrupling its effective HP. This helps it survive concentrated fire until it can be repaired.
Consider using Dragon's Teeth or Fortification Walls to funnel enemies near the Bulwark so it can use its full damage output.

The Overseer is a shield generator that deflects plasma artillery and can take a lot of damage before going down. However, it drains over half a fusion reactor's worth of output to constantly recharge the shield.
Build a few around your base to protect it from early artillery barrages.
Beware that shields do not deflect other units weaponry such as bombs, lasers, or missiles.

The Basilica is a long-range plasma cannon that can shoot targets across the map.
Build them to take out enemy structures from far away.
It becomes a priority target when built, so make sure you keep it safe. It can also be countered by Overseers, but at a high energy cost to your enemy.

The Apocalypse is a nuclear missile launcher and is useful for turning enemy bases and whole armies into ashes.
Use Catalysts or Spectres to temporarily disable anti-nukes and strike uncovered areas.
Nukes can be countered by anti-nukes, but can still overwhelm them in large numbers.

The Calamity is a rapid-fire long-range plasma cannon and is the ultimate weapon of mass-destruction.
It’s a primary target once built, so be ready to defend it.
It takes a lot of resources to build, but when it’s ready you’re almost guaranteed to win the match.