Finch is a cheap and fast-moving air scout, that is not armed with any weapons, but a huge line of sight.
It is used to gain intelligence on what your enemy is planning, and where it keeps its most important units. Information is the most valuable asset on the battlefield, knowing your opponent's plans, so you can prepare your counter strikes early, making his moves inefficient.
In late-game a constant stream of scouts helps your artillery units, improving their aim. They can also be used as a cheap distraction swarm that takes the fire from anti-air during bombing runs.

Shuriken are little drones armed with EMP beams. They can paralyze enemy units, but they can't deal any damage. They serve as great support for your attacks and can turn the tide of war easily. However, they have very little armor and die in one hit to even basic anti-air. Always try to hide them from enemy's radars—surprise is their strength.
Shuriken will auto-retarget to stun nearby enemies who haven't been stunned yet.
Be wary of certain units with EMP resistance such as amphibious tanks & spiders, as they can resist being stunned far longer. Also be careful of units that incorporate anti-air weapons, such as Jaguars.


The Hercules is an airborne transportation unit. It can pick up all T1 land based units and T2, with exception of heavy ones, like Fatboy or Tzar. Use it for unexpected unit drops bypassing your enemy's defense line, but don't forget to scout first for any anti air units. Drop your commander into their bases to D-gun all structures and humiliate your opponents. Can be used for transporting construction towers too, which enables you to move your build power where you currently need it.

The Bat is a fighter seaplane, capable of air–to–air combat. It can also submerge underwater, which is useful for escaping enemy fighters and ambushing units like the Tsunami.
Use them to protect Seaplane Bombers or your naval units from enemy aircraft.
It is fast than its ARMADA counterpart, the Cyclone, but also has less health.

Construction Aircraft
A Construction Aircraft is able to build basic T1 structures like the ones made by the Commander. Moreover it can build some more advanced land and air defense towers, advanced solar generators and most importantly the T2 Aircraft Plant. Due to their speed, the highest amongst constructors, it may be used for quick expansions and reclaiming in areas far from your base. It can also access the whole map, as it doesn't care about any natural obstacles. It has a very low HP, so keep away from enemy's anti air units. Due to little build power you may want to use multiple air cons at once.
Each Construction Aircraft increases the player's energy and metal storage capacity by 25.


Construction Seaplane
The Construction Seaplane can build basic Tech 1 structures, like other constructors, but can also build additional naval structures. It’s great for repairing ships on the front line thanks to its speed.
Use multiple on a single structure to increase build power.
It’s similar to the T1 Construction Aircraft in that it can traverse both land and sea, however, it can also land on and submerge underwater. Each constructor also increases the player's energy and metal storage capacity by 50.

The Whirlwind is a bomber, designed for destroying buildings. It's DPS is higher than that of the Armada T1 bomber. It drops bombs over the target and makes a flyby to reload ammunition. It can strike every 9 seconds. Always scout first and combine with fighters to eliminate enemy's airwall before bombing. Press A for attack and drag your RMB to execute a carpet bombing, or use area attack command to strike targets within a circle.

Dam Buster
The Dam Buster is a seaplane bomber with a payload of 12 bombs. It’s designed to hit slow-moving ships and static naval structures, and execute unanticipated bombing runs on land bases.
Target grouped units to benefit from the area of effect damage.
Always scout first to identify your targets and local anti-air, and send fighters ahead of your bombers to break through the enemy’s fighter air-wall. Remember to combine them with sonar planes to target underwater units.

The Cutlass is a light seaplane gunship with dual cannons.
Use in a group for fast surprise attacks on unsuspecting ships and naval bases.
It can attack both land and sea units, however, it is vulnerable to naval anti-air. They can plow straight through light missile turrets, but anything heavier is fatal.

The Monsoon is a seaplane gunship that drops homing torpedoes into the water.
Use it to take out those pesky submarines without sacrificing your ships.
Being able to circle and strafe ships while dropping each torpedo, makes it more effective in narrow waterways where torpedo bombers tend to have trouble hitting their target.

Nighthawk is a fast moving fighter jet designed for eliminating air units. It is the most effective form of T2 air defense that can access all parts of the map to get rid of any air threats. Always put your fighters on patrol in front of your base, so they attack any aircraft moving in the vicinity. Send fighters with your bombing runs to disable opponent's fighterwall before your bombers come to deliver the final blow.
Its stealthy attribute makes it invisible to radars.
Due to that fact your enemy never knows how many you have without scouting. Faster but a little more fragile than its Armada counterpart.

Condor is a radar and sonar plane that can locate land and underwater units. It has decent radar range and speed so it's the best unit you can use for scouting. Put a few in your fighterwall to have a permanent overview of the front, even when you lose the radars on land. Always send 1 or 2 with your bombing runs to locate targets for your strikeforce.
When hunting for a commander, the radar plane can locate it even if it’s cloaked. Its sonar ability can also be used to detect submarines and amphibious units.

Hailstorm is a heavy and slow bomber that can deal great amounts of damage flying over units and structures.
It is mostly designed to destroy buildings, but used well it can also deal high damage to mobile units - try to intercept their movements.
It deals much higher damage than its T1 form (Whirlwind). As little as 3 Hailstorms can destroy a fusion powerplant on one flyby (4-5 for an adv. fusion). They can drop another round of bombs every 7 seconds. It is more expensive but also stronger than its Armada counterpart - Blizzard.

Advanced Construction Aircraft
Advanced Construction Aircraft is a unit that opens you the window to most of the T2 economy and defensive structures. In most situations when you get one, start from updating your metal extractors, geothermal powerplants and then make fusion reactors and advanced metal makers. It has a higher buildpower than its T1 version and boosts your metal and energy storage by 50. As an air constructor it has the advantage of being able to quickly access all spots on the map. Use it in packs for faster expansion in remote areas. It has a lower buildpower than land constructors.

The Wasp is a heavy rocket gunship. Compared to the Roughneck, it loses out in armor but is still plenty capable of surviving light T1 anti-air, and its rockets deal decent splash damage. As such, it's especially effective versus clumps of lighter units.
Their most common use is for defending your base or protecting your teammates within your air territory.
They are not effective at assaulting bases due to their low speed. For this purpose, use bombers. Wasps have some utility in sea warfare, particularly vs. raider ships with little to no AA cover, but true naval AA will cut them to pieces.
Avoid flak, fighters and heavier SAMs at all costs!

Skyhook is an armored transportation aircraft. It can take on board even the heavier T2 units and easily withstand light anti-air defenses.
Use it to deploy your forces right on the front, especially slower units like Sumos.
It can load 4 small units (footprint 2x2) or a single big one. It's slower, but way more armored than its Armada counterpart.
Skyhooks can survive missile turrets and some mobile AA fire, but fighters, flak & heavier SAMs still kill them. Never overestimate their HP.

Angler is a torpedo bomber. It has no weapon to fight against land units. However it is able to deal massive damage to any ship/submarine/amphibious unit. Torpedoes need a long open path to drop and accelerate in water. Therefore don’t try to drop them flying from the side of the shore line as they will just get stuck in sand.
Torpedo Bombers are able to attack underwater units without support since they are equipped with sonar and increased sight range.

The Dragon breathes deadly flame (450 range) upon massed ground forces, while its quad laser cannons (575 range, 50 E/shot) pick off stragglers and those who avoid burning alive. Uniquely heavy armor keeps it flying even in the face of heavier AA fire.
It has medium AA (840 range), but is still very vulnerable to fighters, especially stealth fighters.
Dragons excel at chasing down and rapidly destroying higher-tier units, even T3s. The combination of supreme firepower with high armor lets it fight such foes while dealing with AA escorts.