Graphics, Models
May 25, 2024

First wave of Legion Models!

Thanks to the efforts of Protar, ZephyrSkies, EnderRobo and Myself(Tharsy), the first wave of legion unit models are complete for your viewing pleasure! - We highly encourage players to use Legion in PVP matches, as unbalanced as they are this is the best way to gather combat data and make the units fun to fight with and against! If in doubt set the match to unranked!

Last updated:
May 25, 2024

First wave of Legion Models!

Below is a list of Units Completed


  • Otter (t1 amphib constructor)
  • Tier 1 constructor
  • Lance (railgun tank)
  • Barrage (Napalm artillery)

Air: (Completed by ZephyrSkies and Tharsy)

  • Tier 1 Air constructor
  • Noctua (Fighter/scout)
  • Aeolus (Transport)
  • Mosquito (Gunship)
  • Martyr (Flying bomb)
  • Blindfold (Juno bomber)

Hover: (Created by EnderRobo)

  • Glaucus (Hover Scout)
  • Nereus (Hovertank)
  • Salacia (Rocket Launcher)
  • Alpheus (Anti Air)

Bots: (Created by Tharsy)

  • Legion t2 Constructor

Buildings: (Created by ZephyrSkies)

  • Radar
  • Nyx (Jammer)
  • Dragons Teeth / Jaw (Wall + Pop-Up Cannon)
  • Pharos (LLT)
  • Amputator (artillery)
  • Cacophony (Minigun turret)
  • Bramble (Light AA)
  • Rhapsis (Salvo AA battery)
  • Lupara (T1 flak battery)

Misc: (Created by Tharsy)

  • Missles, rockets and bombs
  • Legion Drone

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