June 17, 2024

Cortex Dgun Fixed

In a slightly belated update, Cortex players will likely have sometimes noticed that their Dgun appeared to simply ... not happen. This has now been fixed.

Last updated:
June 17, 2024

Cortex Dgun Fixed

In a slightly belated update, Cortex players will likely have sometimes noticed that their Dgun appeared to simply … not happen. The exact pattern of occurence was slightly erratic, but in short, there was a reasonably high chance that a dgun fired just outside of the commander’s range would simply stall out, infinitely waiting for the command to occur, due to an erratic aiming script. The result was a highly frustrating bug that could easily lose games when it occurred.

After KroIya discovered the pattern to reliably reproduce the bug, I was finally able to fix it, and along with an older update of mine that gave the Cortex Dgun 12 more range (to account for the range lost by the Cortex commander model having his arm closer to the body), this should put the Dgun back on equal footing with the Arm edition.

In other Dgun news, I’ve also restored the Legion commander back to a more normal state, swapping the napalm back to a conventional Dgun, as it was too problematic for testing and balance to have the commander acting so differently.

The levelling up mechanic is also gone, but cloaking has returned. As interesting as the gameplay changes from the alternative mechanics were, it made 1v1s too fragile to endgame comsniping, and the lack of crowd/T3 control from the Dgun threat was a significant problem for Legion. The torpedo and antiair missile remain for now though, pending the full Commander remodel we will be undertaking soon.

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