Scavengers, Gameplay, PvE
September 9, 2024

Scavengers Update Released

We have changed a few things about how scavs are handling being overwhelmed by the players.

Last updated:
September 9, 2024

Scavengers Update Released

With this update we’re attempting to address issue that plagues PvE games of both Scavengers and Raptors. We’re trying this out in Scavengers first, and if it turns out successful, it will also be implemented to Raptors.

All of you probably know how Scavengers are trying REALLY hard not to let you completely wipe them out of the map. Not anymore. Now they will instead just let you do that, but spawn unprepared boss early if they’re down to one spawner. And this solves 2 problems:

  • It’s very unintuitive that when you push into Scav territory, they just respawn somewhere else like nothing has happened.
  • It’s very boring for players to just “Spawn Camp” the Scavenger area for, sometimes, a very long time.

Forcing the boss to spawn early will spawn him with less health, while also spawning lower tech “minions”, making the whole boss fight easier. This opens up the door for speedrunning the gamemode!

We will monitor the state of balance after these changes and apply fixes and updates to address any issues that come up. As always, if you encounter any problem, or have a suggestion regarding Scavengers, leave them on our Discord!



  • Beacons no longer try really hard to spawn when scavs are getting overwhelmed
  • The amount of beacons spawned during grace period now scales to number of players - 2 of them per player, but with a minimum of 4
  • Tier 1 spawn beacons are phased out earlier.
  • High tier spawn beacons appear earlier.
  • When Scavs are down to one alive beacon, boss is spawned early, with less health, matching the Boss Anger at the time of spawn (If you make him spawn at 76% Boss Anger, he will spawn with 76% health.)


  • Scav Resurrection units got x4 buildpower buff to make them stand out from other construction units, since all of them can resurrect in their _scav variants.
  • Reduced amount of Legion heavy tanks in one of the special squads.

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