Engine, Testing
October 13, 2023

Engine 2020+ is ready for Testing

New engine release candidate ready for testing. Please feel free to give it a try and let us know how it goes, good or bad. This is your chance to check the game will run well for you before this gets released.

Last updated:
October 31, 2023

Engine 2020+ is ready for Testing

New engine release candidate ready for testing. Please feel free to give it a try and let us know how it goes, good or bad. This is your chance to check the game will run well for you before this gets released.

Things to check for:

  • GPU/rendering issues either in game or in the menus.
  • General Rendering/Sim performance.
  • Unit movement - this has had significant updates and bug fixes.
  • General gameplay. Try a few matches and keep an eye for anything wrong.

You can test the latest release candidate by selecting “Engine Test”, under Config, on the Launcher, click Update, then click Start.

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