PvE, AI, Scavengers, Gameplay
September 15, 2024

Scavengers Update Released

Scavenger Cloud can now resurrect wrecks (lore accurate!), also some fixes to Scav Decoy Commanders

Last updated:
September 15, 2024

Scavengers Update Released

  • Scavenger Cloud can now resurrect (or destroy) features. Any resurrect-able wreck will be resurrected, and any non-resurrect-able feature (like tree, or unit debris) will be slowly damaged and destroyed.

The intention of this change is primarly to clean up the area of wrecks in scav controlled area, but also to make it more consistent with what the cloud is intended to be lore-wise. It’s supposed to infect and revive wrecks as well as take over alive units that stay in the cloud for long enough, so now it does both of these things

  • Added stockpile limits to Scavenger Decoy Commanders, lower than regular commanders.
  • Scav Legion Commander Unit Cannon units now expire after 60 seconds when controlled by the player
  • Unit Cannon units with expiration date no longer leave wrecks when killed normally
  • Scav Legion Kamikaze Plane now drops a small mine instead of a camera.

Now this is mostly fixes. The most notable change is that when you resurrect a Legion Scav commander, it will no longer work as free’ish unit factory. These units will now expire, just like ones from regular Legion EvoCommanders.

Why wasn’t it done this way? Well, one reason. Wrecks. Unit Cannon units self-destruct when expiring, leaving no wrecks, but if they were killed by an enemy, they were leaving a wreck, which could then be resurrected into fully functional unit. That’s bad!

The workaround for regular Legion EvoCom is custom clones of a few units which have wrecks removed from them. That worked just fine for them, but Scav version of this commander is making far more types of units, and making clones for all of them wasn’t really an option. Well, from now on, all units that were created by unit cannons and have expiration date, will self-d when hit by a shot that would kill them, making them leave no wrecks!

As always, leave feedback on the update on Discord!

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