AI, PvE, Raptors, Scavengers, Models, Gameplay, Balance
October 18, 2023

Raptors, Scavengers, and what the heck is going on with PvE development?

I was taking a break from BAR development due to mild burnout and Autumn season kicking in with grayscale environment outside. But i'm back, and there are quite a few exciting things coming for our PvE crowd!

Last updated:
October 31, 2023

Raptors, Scavengers, and what the heck is going on with PvE development?

I was taking a break from BAR development due to mild burnout and Autumn season kicking in with grayscale environment outside. But i’m back, and there are quite a few exciting things coming for our PvE crowd!

While i’m warming up I’m gonna focus on balance of Raptors and Scavengers, though primarly Raptors, more on that later. I’ve already made a few changes:

  • Reduced maximum ratio of Special squads from 50% to 25%, and turned 100% Special squad wave into 50% Special squad wave
  • Reduced maximum ratio of Air squads from 50% to 25%, and turned 100% Air squad wave into 50% Air squad wave
  • Split Air squads into Basic and Special, just like land, and apply the same ratio as with land units. You’re gonna see significantly less Elemental bombers!
  • Applied slight RNG to wave timers and wave sizes, currently set to being between half and double, indepedently. So you can get double wave that takes half the time to spawn another one, and vice versa!
  • Removed ability of Matriarchs to spawn in pairs, which alongside reduction of special squad spawns overall should make it less of a difficulty spike.

Now, what’s to come?

Raptors are about to get a bunch of their models updated. We’ve got a few modelers interested in the project and they’re working hard on giving elemental Raptors a bit of extra detail. But that’s not all! There might be completely new Raptor units coming as well!

And then there’s Scavengers gamemode which currently is in a bit of “work in progress” state with Raptor mechanics working as placeholder… Notably, the base building. That part of the gamemode is about to be completely reworked, alongside new way of winning the game! No longer will their turrets pop up out of thin air! I’ll give you more details on that once i’ve got anything working, just to not build up inflated expectations that I might not be able to fulfill! :D

It feels good to be back.

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