October 28, 2023

Help wanted - updating unit descriptions

I'm finally picking up on a project I've started a while ago - updates for unit and building descriptions. This initially started because I kept being annoyed with newbies spamming Centurions. And you couldn't blame them - they were described as the "Medium Infantry Bot", sounds like a fine default choice! Back in June I added a PR that changed that to the "Anti-Swarm Bot", and this is now in the game. I don't have stats, but purely anecdotal evidence suggests it's a bit better now. This is a continuation of that - I'd like to ask for your help with it!

Last updated:
October 31, 2023

Help wanted - updating unit descriptions

I’m finally picking up on a project I’ve started a while ago - updates for unit and building descriptions. This initially started because I kept being annoyed with newbies spamming Centurions. And you couldn’t blame them - they were described as the “Medium Infantry Bot”, sounds like a fine default choice! Back in June I added a PR that changed that to the “Anti-Swarm Bot”, and this is now in the game. I don’t have stats, but purely anecdotal evidence suggests it’s a bit better now. This is a continuation of that - I’d like to ask for your help with it!

Come help with the Discord thread here or see the spreadsheet here. If I did it right, everyone should have rights to comment on it, and I’ll apply your suggestions (if I agree with them) as time allows. You can also just post things in the Discord thread, and I’ll adjust the sheet.

Those of you who have seen me play know I still have a lot to learn - most of my claims to fame include forgetting things like back mexes and and that my commander is low HP at the frontline :D a lot of you grind a lot more or have literal decades of experience. If you’d like to propose - or disagree with - a change, your feedback would be most welcome.

I would primarily like to make sure that a description gives a completely new player a decent image of what the unit is for, while not being an essay. This means that if you’re a new player, your perspective is also quite helpful here - help us make sure we understand the difficulties of new players well!

I initally had an idea of doing this in a much “grander” way, with tags, graphs, etc, but it became too large of a project for me to feasibly pull through with - so for now let’s just do an “incremental improvements” pass over those. If you see something that’s not clear, could be made more useful, just say so. 🙂

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