October 30, 2023

Relationship system

Good morning beautiful people. Inline with the earlier post about server managed lobbies. I'm today posting about something we've had for a little while but wasn't so well known. Relationships! In addition to the obvious ignore you can also avoid and block people.

Last updated:
October 31, 2023

Relationship system

Good morning beautiful people. Inline with the earlier post about server managed lobbies I’m today posting about something we’ve had for a little while but wasn’t so well known. Relationships! In addition to the obvious ignore you can also avoid and block people.

Ignoring means you won’t see chat messages from them and they cannot direct message you. The plan is to make it so commands from them still appear but it’s on “the todo list”. Note that ignoring on the server is separate from ignoring in-game.

Avoiding means you don’t want to play alongside them. Currently the only effect is if someone is avoided by enough people they can’t be a player in the lobby; longer term I hope to make it so the balancer takes into account avoiding people. You can avoid someone without ignoring them.

Blocking means you don’t want to interact with them at all, it has the same effect as avoiding but additionally if enough people block someone they can’t even join the same lobby. As with avoiding; if you block someone you don’t ignore messages from them.

As with everything in BAR this is an ongoing and growing system so suggestions and requests are always welcome.

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