Lobby servers
November 1, 2023

Player and Boss Permissions Update

Many players have expressed a desire to have a boss in the battle room as a spectator, so that the boss can focus solely on managing it. Also, players still want to be able to vote for some things when a boss is present, and we want to enable that.

Last updated:
November 1, 2023

Player and Boss Permissions Update

Many players have expressed a desire to have a boss in the battle room as a spectator, so that the boss can focus solely on managing it. Also, players still want to be able to vote for some things when a boss is present, and we want to enable that.


The way permissions work in BAR battle rooms:

  • Without a boss everyone has an access level of 10.
  • With a boss present, everyone else’s access level is reduced to 0.

There are multiple access levels per command, one for being allowed to call a vote (or participate in a vote) for a command, usually set to 0 or 10, and one elevated level (usually 100), that allows bypassing a vote and directly executing it.

Whenever a vote is called for a command, where only the caller would be able to vote, it automatically passes. For example, with a boss present, everyone except the boss has access level 0, meaning they are not even eligible to vote, so the commands usually automatically pass.

Core change

Having a boss present elevates the bosses permissions to access level 100, meaning they can directly execute any command. Concurrently, those players who now have their access level reduced to 0 due to the boss being present, are now allowed to vote for more commands.

What this means for Bosses

Bosses may manage all aspects of a battle directly without voting as they wish, even when they are spectators.

What this means for Players

Players may call votes for multiple things like maps, advanced game options, force starting the game, and stopping the game.

What is the Custom preset?

When you host a new custom battle via the Host Battle button, the battle room is automatically set to the custom preset and you are bossed.

This custom preset differs from the other regular Team, CoOp, FFA presets significantly in that bosses cannot be voted out of a lobby with a custom preset, and players cannot call votes to change things such as maps or advanced battle options.

In the regular Team, CoOp, FFA presets, bosses can be voted out, and players may call votes to change maps or advanced battle options.

How can I check access levels?

The !status command now shows access levels and bosses. Access levels in parentheses are what the access level would be if there were no boss present. Access levels 10-80 are not differentiated in any way regarding permissions to vote, and are considered equivalent.


This change will go live after further testing in the engine testing battle room around Nov. 3 The permissions of the original !start command were set to 10 for direct execution, this has been raised to 100.

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