Scavengers, PvE, Raptors
November 10, 2023

Raptors and Scavengers gamemodes getting a few significant changes

Assist Drones and the Base Builder turret has been disabled by default to bring the default PvE experience to be more in-line with the rest of the game.

Last updated:
November 10, 2023

Raptors and Scavengers gamemodes getting a few significant changes

Assist Drones and the Base Builder turret has been disabled by default to bring the default PvE experience to be more in-line with the rest of the game.

To compensate that, Each difficulty level got an extra 1 minute of grace period time, while Normal and below difficulties also got 5 extra minutes of time until bossfight.

All the above changes apply to both Raptors and Scavengers. Both the Assist Drones and Base Builder can still be enabled in the Extras settings.

Besides that, due to a request from players of a popular Raptors “mod”, there’s a new option that allows you to make first few waves spawn way more units, to test out your early defences against swarm of weaklings.

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