Interface, Gameplay
December 9, 2023

Areamex improvements

Better controls, better flexibility, new features! Now works with any type of mex, supports upgrades and sidegrades and allied mexes, and can be activated by double-selecting any mex type in your buildmenu.

Last updated:
December 9, 2023

Areamex improvements

Better controls, better flexibility, new features! Now works with any type of mex, supports upgrades and sidegrades and allied mexes, and can be activated by double-selecting any mex type in your buildmenu.

Did you know areamex was a thing? Did you try to use it a couple times then stop trying because it was clunky and limited? No more!

Areamex no longer requires a dedicated hotkey, instead selecting any mex twice will activate it. Areamex now works with any type of mex, so now you can spam exploiters on CCR with one click. Areamex is now much more intelligent about upgrading existing mexes, and will allow any upgrade or sidegrade. What does that mean?

  • Exploiters/twilights will upgrade basic mexes
  • T2 exploiters/twilights will upgrade any basic mexes, exploiters or twilights, or t2 mexes

Plus a few small tiny tweaks to make it work more nicely with shift-queue and grid menu. Hopefully this makes areamex a much more useful and powerful tool for everyone.

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