Balance, Models
December 19, 2023

Legion Air Updates

Legion Air is now almost complete, along with a shiny new tower. Read on for details!

Last updated:
December 19, 2023

Legion Air Updates

The first of two major batches I’ve been working on, this update makes Legion air almost entirely unique units, with the sole remainder of the torpedo bomber, and the T1 transport.

A brief summary of the new units:

Legionnaire, a slow but strong defensive fighter.

Venator, a speedy interceptor with high initial damage, but poor handling & dogfighting ability.

Phoenix, a ‘bomber’/ground assault aircraft that attacks in a straight line

Stronghold, an armed transport & gunship

Whisper, the T2 scout

And lastly, Bastion, a heavy defensive tower.

Head to the Discord thread for a video and discussion!

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