Graphics, Sounds
December 21, 2023

Large new Heat & Burn Update

Legion Heat and Napalm stuff got a long-awaited update. More burn, better heat, and less performance cost.

Last updated:
December 22, 2023

Large new Heat & Burn Update

New effects

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Heatrays are cool, but they were a bit overbright and heavy on performance. While not being low of performance-cost, I’ve reduced the cost significantly. Going from multiple 100s of light-sources used in the custom-sweeping-fire-effects, it’s now down to 4-9 lights per weapon/unit.


Also we finally have a nice splash-explosion for napalm. This was never there and the initial impact on Napalm was very “meh”. Now it has a proper fire-blast effect. Also the projectiles of the napalm launchers have been upgraded. So you should now have more heartwarming fires.


I also made new sounds for all Heatrays, and improved some unit-event sounds to be more present (Juggernaut). Found a bug, and worked around it, which now makes it possible to set custom volumes for custom effects. This also was needed to fix sounds for Heatrays, where they are played many/multiple times. The Legion Incinerator still needs a fix for this, but the latest Legion Phoenix Heavy Laser ‘Bomber’ is fixed and sounds pretty neat now.


During this update I learned some new tricks to improve lighting quality (and control over it) - and at the same time reduce performance cost a lot. So another win-win today!

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