December 31, 2023

Engine Hotfix Release (2193)

Thank you to our community for reporting back issues with the current engine release. A hotfix release that addresses some of these issues is now live. Further work and investigations are still underway. Please report any issues you encounter with the game. Click through for more information about the issues addressed in this patch release.

Last updated:
December 31, 2023

Engine Hotfix Release (2193)

Thank you to our community for reporting back issues with the current engine release. A hotfix release that addresses some of these issues is now live. Further work and investigations are still underway. Please report any issues you encounter with the game.

Changes since 2152

* Fixed: Crash that could happen if a unit fell to their destruction.
* Fixed: Clicking mouse on the loading screen could cause a crash.
* Fixed: Terrain could appear flat on low graphics setting
* Fixed: Units get stuck in wrecks and can't move.
* Fixed: Units moving in a straight path could get caught up for awhile if an obstacle, like a wreck, appeared on their line of travel.
* Fixed: Pathing system could crash if the unit's start/end positions were outside of the map.
* Fixed: Rare case where hover units could cause a crash.
* Fixed: Huge units could cause the pathing system to crash.
* Fixed: Units frames could appear incorrectly rotated as they are being built.
* Fixed: Having exactly the engine's limit of units could cause a crash.
* Fixed: Matrix compares with -+0 values were technically incorrect.
* Fixed: Sim speed adjustment could go below minimum value permitted.
* Fixed: Bitmap loading.
* Fixed: LuaSyncedMoveCtrl::SetMoveDef parsed arguments incorrectly.
* Changes around unit build radius updated to be more consistent and modifiable by the game.
* HAPFS checksum version incremented
* Checksum of each archive now reported in logs.
* Dump function for 3do-format models.

Under Investigation

* Units can still find themselves stuck in terrain in rare cases
* Performance issues, particularly in Raptor games
* Units maybe should be more keen to stop at dead ends if their goal is not accessible

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