January 4, 2024

New Launcher Release

Today, we will start the release process of a new launcher version. Your launchers will start the update process within the next few days.

Last updated:
January 4, 2024

New Launcher Release

We start the release of launcher version 1.2838.0!

The launcher update process will use a staged rollout. We will first push the update to a small subset of users, wait a bit, then push it to an even larger group. Eventually, we will expand the update to everyone and mark it as the default version on the website’s download page.

Currently planned schedule, assuming the process goes smoothly, is:

  • Jan 4, Europe afternoon: 1%
  • Jan 5, Europe morning: 5% and push to Flathub.
  • Jan 5, Europe afternoon: 20%
  • Jan 6, Europe morning: 100% and mark as default on website.

You can manually install the new version and read the release notes on this GitHub releases page.

If you encounter any issues with the update, please open a new thread in the #support-bugs channel on Discord.

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