March 17, 2024

Quicker game and chobby changes propagation

I've added an improvement to the game and Chobby repositories that reduces the time from commit to update being available for players from average time of 12min (up to ~23min) to ~10s.

Last updated:
March 17, 2024

Quicker game and chobby changes propagation

The current way how game and Chobby changes are distributed from repository to players involves 3 synchronization steps that are triggered independently at the intervals of 5, 7 and 10 minutes. If we are unlucky, that can mean up to ~23 minutes between the change submit time and the time change is available for players.

I’ve added a small GitHub actions workflow to game and Chobby repositories that will directly trigger all 3 steps one after the other on every new commit. This reduces the average time of propagation to ~10 seconds.

This change will allow developers to quicker see impact of their changes. For players it means that any fix or revert will reach them sooner, without “We submitted the fix, keep updating, it will be live in the next 20 minutes”.

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