RTS Triathlon | BAR, PA, FAF

The hottest event in real-time strategy

May 31, 2021


Requiem's team ''Super Delicious'' with Harzer and Orb has won the Gold Cup!

It was a blast and each and every community had a blast, based on reactions in chat and also by the organizers. Thanks all for doing this!

Commanders of all worlds - Rejoice!

Some weeks ago our team has been contacted by the admins of Planetary Annihilation and Forged Alliance Forever (Supreme Commander) communities.

They came over with an absolutely stellar idea of organizing a tournament featuring the three prominent Total Annihilation-inspired games and that they wanted to include BAR as one of them.

Purpose of the Triathlon

To form the bonds between those awesome communities and praise the legacy of Chris Taylor's magnificent creations. Without any second thoughts, we loved the concept immediately, so here we are, announcing...

The hottest event in real-time strategy is coming this weekend!

The RTS triathlon is a 2v2 tournament where the 2 players unfamiliar with each game will be coached by a player experienced with it. Four representatives from each community has been chosen to form the teams of three.

For the past few weeks the participants have trained to achieve understanding of the different games. It has been a lot of fun discovering the similarities and the slight nuances that make every single one of them so unique. If you would like to see the coaching streams, you can see them all on RTS Triathlon Discord channel. We are having a ball there! :)

The tournament day matches will be casted by the coaches of the respective teams. To watch them tune in to the official Twitch channel of the RTS Triathlon:

FAF LIVE (starting at 15:00 UTC on 5th of June)

Rules of the event:

  • Teams will play a single elimination tournament with a bronze match. Each round is a 3 game series where each game is played once.
  • The four teams has been reviewed and formed in such a way that it is fairly balanced with accordance to players' relative skills in the three games.
  • The maps roster for the tourney is being discussed right now, but one thing is certain - the finals are going to be run on the three versions of the epic Supcom classic map - Seton's clutch, which has its analogues in BAR (a.k.a. Supreme Crossing) and PA as well.

The teams are composed of the following players:

Team Scone:

Dubhdara - BAR tournament sponsor/organizer
JaggedAppliance - Top FAF player, streamer, and caster
Marshall - PA caster and moderator

Team Subathlon:

Hershey - BAR caster and streamer
TheDuelist - FAF caster and streamer
^FeH^ FuRy ReGoNe - Top Level PA Player, Supcom 2 Veteran

Team Procrastinators Unite Tomorrow:

skynet - BAR developer
Willow's Duality - FAF caster and streamer (or Twitch)
Ian Gitax - Top PA player

Team Super Delicious:

Requiem - BAR caster and streamer
harzer - FAF streamer
Orb - Experienced RTS player and PA tournament winner

After the war...

After the games are over and winners decorated, we are planning to have a little get-together with all the participants and organizers. We are also thinking of bringing a very special guest to the conversation, but for now we can not reveal his identity yet :) Tune in to Triathlon's official Discord and faflive Twitch channel to learn more when the time comes.

See you on the battlefield!

PS. Check and follow other tournaments going on right now in BAR on Discord: (check #tourney-announcements)


Requiem's team ''Super Delicious'' with Harzer and Orb has won the Gold Cup!

It was a blast and each and every community had a blast, based on reactions in chat and also by the organizers. Thanks all for doing this!

Commanders of all worlds - Rejoice!

Some weeks ago our team has been contacted by the admins of Planetary Annihilation and Forged Alliance Forever (Supreme Commander) communities.

They came over with an absolutely stellar idea of organizing a tournament featuring the three prominent Total Annihilation-inspired games and that they wanted to include BAR as one of them.

Purpose of the Triathlon

To form the bonds between those awesome communities and praise the legacy of Chris Taylor's magnificent creations. Without any second thoughts, we loved the concept immediately, so here we are, announcing...

The hottest event in real-time strategy is coming this weekend!

The RTS triathlon is a 2v2 tournament where the 2 players unfamiliar with each game will be coached by a player experienced with it. Four representatives from each community has been chosen to form the teams of three.

For the past few weeks the participants have trained to achieve understanding of the different games. It has been a lot of fun discovering the similarities and the slight nuances that make every single one of them so unique. If you would like to see the coaching streams, you can see them all on RTS Triathlon Discord channel. We are having a ball there! :)

The tournament day matches will be casted by the coaches of the respective teams. To watch them tune in to the official Twitch channel of the RTS Triathlon:

FAF LIVE (starting at 15:00 UTC on 5th of June)

Rules of the event:

  • Teams will play a single elimination tournament with a bronze match. Each round is a 3 game series where each game is played once.
  • The four teams has been reviewed and formed in such a way that it is fairly balanced with accordance to players' relative skills in the three games.
  • The maps roster for the tourney is being discussed right now, but one thing is certain - the finals are going to be run on the three versions of the epic Supcom classic map - Seton's clutch, which has its analogues in BAR (a.k.a. Supreme Crossing) and PA as well.

The teams are composed of the following players:

Team Scone:

Dubhdara - BAR tournament sponsor/organizer
JaggedAppliance - Top FAF player, streamer, and caster
Marshall - PA caster and moderator

Team Subathlon:

Hershey - BAR caster and streamer
TheDuelist - FAF caster and streamer
^FeH^ FuRy ReGoNe - Top Level PA Player, Supcom 2 Veteran

Team Procrastinators Unite Tomorrow:

skynet - BAR developer
Willow's Duality - FAF caster and streamer (or Twitch)
Ian Gitax - Top PA player

Team Super Delicious:

Requiem - BAR caster and streamer
harzer - FAF streamer
Orb - Experienced RTS player and PA tournament winner

After the war...

After the games are over and winners decorated, we are planning to have a little get-together with all the participants and organizers. We are also thinking of bringing a very special guest to the conversation, but for now we can not reveal his identity yet :) Tune in to Triathlon's official Discord and faflive Twitch channel to learn more when the time comes.

See you on the battlefield!

PS. Check and follow other tournaments going on right now in BAR on Discord: (check #tourney-announcements)

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Mentionable team members

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