January 30, 2024

Engine Hotfix Released (2293)

New update has been released. The key aspect of this update is fixes for unit movement, so units (especially submarines) shouldn't get trapped and movement should be a little smoother. Click for more information.

Last updated:
January 31, 2024

Engine Hotfix Released (2293)

We’ve had a few more hot fixes in the background, sorry for not creating a blog entry for those! But with this release, I have prepared one this time.

Changes since 2240

  • Barbarian AI updated.
  • Fixed: underwater units could get trapped underneath floating buildings.
  • Fixed: straight line move commands could sometimes cancel themselves immediately.
  • Fixed: underwater units had to path around buildings above and below, regardless of whether it could block them.
  • Fixed: units could slide themselves around terrain in such a way that they could trap themselves in a isolated pocket.
  • Fixed: units sliding was still too fast. Units now travel along edges of buildings and terrain at their intended speed.
  • Fixed: units could do an instant jump around corners of buildings. This was to avoid units gets stuck on them, but the effect was too noticeable - especially for slower units. So now extra logic has been added to make units travel around the corner in a fashion that looks more acceptable than a hop.
  • Fixed: minor issues found in the COB scripting engine.
  • Fixed: case where textures didn’t load in on a luarules reload command.
  • Performance improvements for the new pathing system.


  • We are investigating some rare crashes. It order to do so, we’ve put some debugging in the suspected areas. Unfortunately, this has a slight performance impact. They will be removed once we have the information we need from the crash reports.

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