Bugs, Engine
December 5, 2023

Engine Hotfix Release (2142)

Thank you to our community for reporting back issues with the current engine release. A hotfix release that addresses some of these issues is now live. Please report any issues you encounter with the game. Click through to see further information.

Last updated:
December 5, 2023

Engine Hotfix Release (2142)

Thank you to our community for reporting back issues with the current engine release. A hotfix release that addresses some of these issues is now live. Please report any issues you encounter with the game.

Changes since 2131

* Fixed: Builders may choose to travel around a cliff rather than build something they could reach while on the top of the cliff.
* Fixed: Units can get stuck in wrecks when they intersect a the unit as it gets destroyed.
* Fixed: Units are able to push each other in such a way that they can push through structures.
* Fixed: HAPFS (previous pathign system) crash.
* Fixed: Some maps can crash with Barbarian AI during loading.
* Fixed: Units may not be able to get in range of building something that cannot be pathed to.
* Fixed: A performance issue in QTPFS pathing.
* Fixed: Issue with checksum generation when reading map files.

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