Testing, Gameplay, Interface
December 10, 2023

Looking for testers for gridmenu!

I'm looking for people who use gridmenu, and are interested in helping design and playtest changes to it, being a developer is not required!

Last updated:
December 11, 2023

Looking for testers for gridmenu!

The original designer of gridmenu has very sadly gone on indefinite hiatus from BAR, so we’re really lacking in people with good understanding of the design of gridmenu who can help continue its design and development. There are still a couple developers who work on it (myself and badosu), but we could really use people who see things from another perspective and are able to propose design changes and test out any potential updates.

So what would that entail? For now, mostly just testing out some design changes and bugfixes that have been languishing without proper testers, but I’d like to continue with more design changes and improvements, possibly including grid keybinds as well, so having an eye for consistency and ergonomics would be wonderful. As for the technical aspects, simply understanding how to download widgets is all that’s strictly necessary, though understanding git and being able to set up a dev environment for BAR would be a big bonus :)

If you’re interested please just @Hobo Joe on discord or visit the #grid-menu channel.

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